Meet Melmetal, Meltan’s Evolved Form

We have now discovered that Meltan can evolve. Its Evolution is called Melmetal! This is the first Mythical Pokémon with the ability to evolve.
- NameMelmetal
- CategoryHex Nut Pokémon
- TypeSteel
- Height8'02"
- Weight1,763.7 lbs.
This is the first time that Melmetal has been seen in 3,000 years! In ancient times, this Pokémon was worshiped for its power to create metal.

When Meltan evolves into Melmetal, it grows vastly stronger than before. Its body hardens as a result of its Evolution, and it becomes incredibly sturdy.

The bulk of its body is made of liquid metal. Its arms in particular are very flexible, and they can whip forward to deliver devastating punches.
Melmetal’s Powerful Double Iron Bash
Melmetal possesses a unique Steel-type physical move called Double Iron Bash. With this powerful move, Melmetal uses the hex nut in its chest like an axle to spin its powerful arms around, dealing a double strike to the opponent. The weight of the heavy hex nuts on its arms combined with this spinning motion give this move extraordinary power. After it hits, it may even make the target flinch!
Evolving Meltan into Melmetal

It has become clear that Meltan will only evolve into Melmetal in Pokémon GO. To evolve it, you will need 400 Meltan Candies.

Just as with the Candies you collect for other Pokémon, you’ll be able to get Meltan Candies by doing things like catching Meltan, sending it to Professor Willow, or having Meltan travel around with you as your Buddy Pokémon.

You’ll also get these Candies when you send Meltan from Pokémon GO to Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! Plus, you’ll also be able to use some other handy shortcuts to speed up this Evolution, such as getting more Meltan Candies by trading with friends or using Rare Candies to help you along the way.

You can bring Melmetal you’ve evolved in Pokémon GO to Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! You can also have friends send them to you from their Pokémon GO accounts. Have fun exploring the Kanto region together with Melmetal!
The Professors Weigh In!
The appearance of this new Pokémon has attracted the attention of Professor Oak and Professor Willow. What do these two experts have to share about Meltan? Professors Oak and Willow have continued making progress in their research on Meltan. It seems like they were able to catch many Meltan using their Mystery Boxes. What will happen next...?

Professor Oak does his research on Pokémon at his laboratory in the Kanto region’s Pallet Town. He is one of the leading authorities in the field of Pokémon research. In Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, he gives a Pokédex to both you and your rival—entrusting you with his dream of completing it.

Professor Willow’s research centers around plenty of fieldwork—and the help of Pokémon GO players all over the world—to fully understand the habitats and distribution of Pokémon. He was once an assistant to Professor Oak, and it seems he talks to his mentor whenever he runs into a hitch in his research.
Research Meltan in Pokémon GO
Professor Oak and Professor Willow have been steadily working on their research, propelled by the reports of Ditto transforming into Meltan in Pokémon GO. It looks like they've also realized that the Mystery Box is somehow tied to the appearance of Meltan!
New Special Research quests will be coming to Pokémon GO that will let you embark on a search for the Mythical Pokémon Meltan. Look forward to this new Special Research this winter, when you can participate in various investigations with Professor Willow and catch Meltan!
Mysterious Pokémon GO Sightings
Many reports have come in about sightings of Ditto in Pokémon GO that have transformed into Meltan. The number of sightings has significantly decreased over the past few days, but it appears these "Meltan" are still appearing in various areas.
Research is being conducted on these appearances of Meltan, but we have learned that Pokémon GO is somehow key to meeting this curious new Pokémon in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! We’ll be sure to provide updates as we discover more!
The Mystery Box Holds the Key to Catching Meltan

The Mystery Box Holds the Key to Catching Meltan
We now know that Meltan appears in Pokémon GO. In order to catch Meltan, it is essential to have a Mystery Box, which can be received by sending Pokémon from Pokémon GO to Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!

Sending Pokémon from Pokémon GO into one of the Nintendo Switch titles will get you certain items in the app, such as Candies for the species of Pokémon you sent. However, the first time you send a Pokémon, you'll also be able to get a very special item: a Mystery Box!
The Mystery Box closes itself after it's used once. The only way to open it again is to wait a set amount of time, and then send another Pokémon to Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! You can also get a Mystery Box for sending Pokémon to a friend's Nintendo Switch game, but you can only have one Mystery Box at a time!
Meltan will begin to appear once a Mystery Box is opened in Pokémon GO, but be careful—they'll only appear for the player that opened the Mystery Box. Touch a Meltan you see on the field map, and then try to catch it with a Poké Ball!
You can then bring the Meltan you catch in Pokémon GO to Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!, where it can follow you around during your adventure in the Kanto region. Even if you don't catch Meltan in Pokémon GO yourself, you can ask a friend to send one that they've caught into your Nintendo Switch game.